Tuesday 28 January 2014

Web What Point... Oh!! ... Web 101 :)

Okay, so I learned something this week! (I do every week.. but I really enjoyed feeling like this could be used in every day conversations with non-ed majors)

First off... For anyone who doesn't know : Web 1.0 = old school! ie - you get information off the interwebs. Period.  End of story.  See you later!
Web 2.0 = you actually get to add stuff to the interwebs yourself and participate (like on wikipedia for example)

Next : according to Dr Ludmila Smirnova, whom I Googled and found to be a very well educated Russian lady, "the boundaries between teaching and learning and between knowledge acquisition and knowledge production break down" via web 2.0, and as I go through the lists and piles of options, I can't help but feel town about the various sites.  While there are some that I have thoroughly enjoyed/will enjoy in the future, I know there were others in those lists that I would even discourage others from using simply because my experience with them hasn't been supremely positive.  I feel that in order to make a less discriminate opinion though... I'm just going to have to use them in a classroom or even in this one? More to come

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