Tuesday 11 February 2014

What I didn't know is...

WIKI is an acronym?!? Ha! Well, that's good to know and makes a lot of sense, so without further ado... What I know is:

Remember my post about Web 2.0? all about the interacting with the interwebs...? (if not, just click the hyperlink)  Well, wikis are perhaps one of the best examples of this phenomena.  If you haven't ever used wikipedia, a prime example of a wiki, here's the gist of it (taken from wikipedia itself!):  "web application which allows people to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others"

While some of the pros and cons of wikis is discussed on the class website, I wanted to further mention/give opinion on some of the added points taken from this article.

Not going to lie, when I say Using Wikis to Tell Stories Online, all I could think was "One word stories!" (briefly: a story is told by more than one person, each taking a turn to add only one word).  As explained by dramaresource.com, in this game "It is not always easy to maintain a logical flow for the story..." I feel like sometimes this is also the case with wikis... while I am a big fan, I'm sometimes lost when it comes to keeping control and logic in what is shared.  It is something that would take a lot of added time and work to control in the classroom (and without, since the internet is accessible at all hours).

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