Wednesday 28 September 2016



So... needless to say, this past month has probably been the most stressful of my entire life... between kids being sick, my being sick, my first sub, my classroom having to be organized, parents trying to adapt to my styled of teaching, etc., it's a wonder I'm still composed at the end of each day... so last night as I sat at home in self pity, a friend suggested I should look at the bright side of my day.  I must say, there's always something positive to say, so I thought I'd start with just a few things that have made my life not only bearable, but good in this past month:

- good friends
- new friends and mentors, mostly in staff around the school, but a couple in the community too
- going home to my family on weekends
- hugs from kids when they come in or as they leave
- coming back from being sick or away for a meeting and having kids say they're glad I'm back
- my teacher mentor (and others) giving me any resources she can share
- uplifting messages I read each day
- learning new things

Image result for happy face

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