Monday 24 October 2016

ACPI 2016

Because it's a French immersion conference, it only makes sense to post in French.
J'apprécie et j'aime prendre avantage de toutes opportunités pour apprendre et recevoir des idées et surtout réfléchir sur mon rôle et la qualité de mon enseignement.  Ce fut surtout une merveilleuse expérience en tant qu'opportunité de s'unir comme équipe d'immersion française et de mieux établir ces connections et relations de support.
Mais, honnêtement, j'ai trop appris, donc j'ai pris juste des petites notes ici:

Quelques leçons des métis :)
- L'humilité (le loup)
- L'honnêteté (le corbeau)
- Le respect (le bison)
- L'amour (l'aigle)
Le jeu
Avoir tout accessible aux élèves. Leur faire responsable de leur environnement.
Les enfants ne disent pas: j'ai passé une mauvaise journée; j'ai envie de parler. Les enfants disent: joue avec moi.
Mathématiques et vocabulaire
- Trois niveaux de vocabulaire - mots de base, mots fréquents et mots spécifiques pour les mathématiques.
- Il faut faire des questions ouvertes
Soutenir les lecteurs
- idée: inclure les mots du jour sur le calendrier pour les parents
- étiqueter la classe
La diversification
- 4 catégories où les élèves auront du soutien:
   - comprendre à l'oral et l'écrit
Les meilleures sessions terminaient toujours comme ça:

Sunday 16 October 2016

What will your story be?  Beginning Teacher's Conference

As I left my classroom (a mess to finish cleaning up Monday morning :/ ), I started to doubt my decision to come, but as I sat snacking on cheeses and slurping a pepsi to stay awake, the ATA president reminded me of why I came into education in the first place: to make a difference in the lives of today's youth.
Here are some of my thoughts:
What am I doing everyday to give 100% to my students? How can I improve? Sleep! Minimize social media...  How can I make it more fun/engaging? Am I able to change?
Don't dwell on the shortcomings. Fight to be better. Write down the good! Go back and remember the good. There are bad days, yes, but they'll realize you're their positive role model, maybe their only one, and when you establish a great relationship with each student, you've got it :)
Everything is super important, but it's about achieving a balance. Our health and wellness is everything. You take care of you, and they'll be okay. Take time to tell your support group that they are more important than your job.
We had a session where we learned about the ATA and what it is and means for me. As much as I might sometimes whine about how expensive it is to be a part of the ATA, I'm realizing the benefits and how to reap them. My number one highlight was learning about the ATA library! You pick what books you want, they send them to you, and they pre-pay the return postage fees! What?!?! Yes!
Saturday we learned about more curriculum specific material. Because I have never been a fan of social studies, I went to a session on social studies! Probably the greatest thing I learned while there was how it's not about content. It's about developing skills :)
Next, I went to a session on assessment and it was a great reminder to teach the outcomes. I'm guilty of looking at the topics and teaching those, but not looking at the actual outcomes in the program of studies. It's all fine and dandy to do fun activities or have them make something perfectly as they follow the detailed steps I give them, but are they learning the required outcomes? I learned it's less about the perfect final product. Rather, it's the learning that takes them there, whether the final product is perfect or not, and whether they've learned what they're supposed to and can perform the outcomes listed, not just make a pretty project, and then providing them with opportunities to give and receive feedback(!) both from peers and teacher and to be able to take that information and grow from it.
Other things I was reminded of or learned (one liners) :
You have to find out all the students' interests and the little things about them.
Have a lot of fun.
Have a plan to grow over the summer :)
Make mistakes.
Results are not immediate... if you ever even get to see them.
Counter the cortisol with more oxytocin (cuddles! :) ).
Funniest quote of the weekend:
Children are like farts. You can handle your own, but others are unbearable ;p
Video of the weekend :
Cuddle hormones ;p

Wednesday 28 September 2016



So... needless to say, this past month has probably been the most stressful of my entire life... between kids being sick, my being sick, my first sub, my classroom having to be organized, parents trying to adapt to my styled of teaching, etc., it's a wonder I'm still composed at the end of each day... so last night as I sat at home in self pity, a friend suggested I should look at the bright side of my day.  I must say, there's always something positive to say, so I thought I'd start with just a few things that have made my life not only bearable, but good in this past month:

- good friends
- new friends and mentors, mostly in staff around the school, but a couple in the community too
- going home to my family on weekends
- hugs from kids when they come in or as they leave
- coming back from being sick or away for a meeting and having kids say they're glad I'm back
- my teacher mentor (and others) giving me any resources she can share
- uplifting messages I read each day
- learning new things

Image result for happy face

Monday 26 September 2016

1re journée de 1re année!!!

Well, it's been a long time coming, but I've finally landed my first full year, full time contract! I am teaching grade 1 French Immersion and SO excited (and terrified! haha!)

I had my first day with the kids on September 1st, and I am probably among the luckiest teacher of 25  (now 24) students :) No, they're not perfect, and yes, it is a lot of work, but I love them!

It has always been a huge part of my education philosophy that students need to feel loved, and that without a genuine love for their students, teachers don't accomplish as much as a teacher who does.

The first couple weeks of school I was told I was not going to be teaching much of the program of studies, but more routines and expectations.  I feel I have slipped some in my expectations, and, as usual, I'm struggling with my classroom management.   It'll be one of my goals this year, and my teacher mentor has already given me some great pointers which I am trying to set in order, so I can improve.  For starters, I need to stick to my guns (and remember where I point them too!).  I don't want to be known as the pushover, so I need to set how I need them to act :)

The other goal I've decided to focus on right away is in how I deliver the material... I feel I need to work on better engaging the students... One of the perks with teaching in the 21st century is the fact that I have this wonderful thing called the internet! and to add to it: Pinterest :P

Needless to say, I think I will always be working on improving my teaching... so here's to 2016-2017! May it be better than I think it will be! haha!


This was my classroom on the first day, not perfect, but definitely looking better than 3 days before school started!